I’m Not Embarrassed About Doing Lovemaking Scenes: A Conversation With The World’s Sexiest Man Brad Pitt
Brangelina is no more and Brad Pitt is a single man again. Here I rewind to an interview with the Hollywood sex symbol which took place at a time when he was about to split from Jennifer Aniston and was getting serious about now ex-wife Angelina Jolie

“What?” he had asked incredulously? “You mean
people in India know about Jennifer and me separating?”
That was Brad Pitt, circa 2004, quite amazed that
the public curiosity was high on his impending divorce with Jennifer Aniston.
Their marriage as it turned out lasted all of five years (2000-2005). Rumours
were abuzz online that the Adonis-like actor was serious about his friendship
with Angelina Jolie.
Image Source: sheknows
The internet hadn’t evolved to the extent it has
today. Brad Pitt turned red with embarrassment, requesting that our interview
should not focus on his Jennifer-Angelina dilemma. Ever so politely, he said, “The
situation is a bit delicate right now. Jennifer is extremely sensitive.”
I had been invited to a press conference in New
York with the unit of Troy. Inevitably, the recorded conversations on video,
had to be essentially about the period film which also featured Peter O’Toole
and Julie Christie in the supporting ensemble.
Waving the ‘only questions on Troy’ stricture
aside, Pitt stated, “You’ve come all the way from India. So go ahead ask me
anything but about you know what.”
Image Source: sugarpop
Fair enough. He hadn’t visited India till then –
his first visit was to be a couple of years later for the shoot of A Mighty
Heart starring Angelina Jolie. In the event, the face-to-face with Brad Pitt
went like this. Excerpts:
On India and Bollywood
My friends keep telling me it’s my kind of place,
somewhere I could melt in the crowds, be myself. When I was acting in Seven
Years in Tibet, I boned up on some
eastern philosophy and spiritualism. I’m no
expert on spiritualism but I do believe that Asia has something very valuable
to offer all of us caught in the everyday grind of living, our lifestyles are
overwhelmingly goal driven and materialistic which is a pity.
Bollywood sounds fascinating, but for quite a while Monsoon
Wedding was the only film I’ve seen from India. I’m told it isn’t a
typical Bollywood film which is conventionally packed with songs, dances,
passion and high drama. Actually, I’d love to do a Bollywood movie, dance
like crazy, fight, cry and laugh. But I’m a limited actor,I wouldn’t be able to
sing my own songs.
I’d feel terribly awkward even with a ghost voice
singing my number while I try to move my lips…presumably in sync. Amazing! I
don’t know how your actors can carry that off, sounds incredibly difficult. A
while ago, Shekhar Kapur did talk to me about doing an international film, more
Hollywood than Bollywood, but nothing happened after that. He’s an interesting
guy, full of ideas.
From what I understand, Bollywood heroes are
larger-than-life, fiercely protective about their principles and ideals which
is pretty close to the character of Achilles I played in Troy.
Image Source: dailymail
On his best performances
That’s not for me to say. We make more bad movies
than good ones, which is because there are more bad intentions than good ones.
If cash earnings are the primary intention, then chances are that the movie
will turn out to be plain lousy. I’ve been fortunate to be in films which were
made with the intention of telling stories of substance rather than making big
bucks. Which is why I absolutely loved my walk-on parts in Full Frontal and Confessions
of a Dangerous Mind. I’ve been guided and influenced constantly by my
directors, so I cannot select any performance as my best…or for that matter as
my worst.
On male nudity
I’ve done lovemaking scenes long enough not to get
embarrassed by them. It’s nothing like what you see on the screen. There you
are feeling hot, sweaty and dirty under the lights, the guys with the boom mike
are hovering over your face and the camera’s travelling all around your bum as
if it was the Grand Canyon.
On good looks
Me, good looking? Thanks. Much has been made about
my looks though I’m not the sort who feels great on seeing his mug in the
mirror. Like it or not, a lot of emphasis is placed on good looks in films.I’d
be a liar if I were to say that this factor hasn’t helped me. On the contrary,
it has opened many doors for me.
As for being taken seriously, an actor has to deal
his pack of cards right. He cannot keep throwing the card of the joker at the
audience. I think I’ve dealt the right cards, I feel immensely gratified that
I’ve been accepted and also regarded with a sufficient amount of seriousness..
or gravitas.
Image Source: sugarpop
On being given titles like the Sexiest Man in the
Such titles are fine by me, as long as I don’t
actually start believing that they’re true.
On middle age
I’m really enjoying my age. I see it as a badge of
honour. I’ve made it so far without losing my sanity. I’d also like to believe
that wisdom comes with age and I have no
hesitation in trading off youthful experiences for wisdom.
On prime influences
There are some people I admire tremendously. Like
Chris Rock (musician-comedian) who kills me with his humour. And Frank Gehry,
the architect whose buildings like the California Aerospace Museum and an art
museum in Bilbao, Spain, are wondrous, truly wondrous.
On the three films he’d carry to a desert island
Apocalypse Now, a Marx Brothers
comedy….and an XXX-rated movie.
Thumbnail Image Source: rollingout